A one-hundred-plus-year history with our eye to the future.

Norwalk Furniture Company proudly manufactures high quality custom upholstery in Norwalk, Ohio. Located halfway between Detroit and Cleveland on Lake Erie, we benefit from a tradition of family farming and manufacturing that has long supported the automobile and related industries. We are people who like to “make things” and we are especially proud to be a part of the current “maker movement” in America.
Our long tradition of handcrafting fine custom upholstery began when the founders, the Gerken family, newly arrived from Germany, began to upholster buggy seats for carriages 117 years ago. In 2008, the fourth generation of the family decided to close the company. But, twelve community-minded families banded together to buy the facility in order to keep jobs in our town.
Today, we operate in a “mid-century” modern 440,000 square foot factory that employees 225 craftspeople, many of whom are second and third generation artisans. This team creates over 40,000 pieces each year, one at a time, by hand, with each piece built to the specifications of our dealer partners for their customers.

In 1906, the company was reorganized, after several years of surviving a deflated economy and modest company profits, and changed its name to the Maumee Upholstering Company. In 1917, the company moved to Grand Rapids, Ohio in order to tap a new pool of laborers.

In 1919, the company moved to a small building in Norwalk. The partnership between Edward Gerken and John Galpin dissolved. Edward incorporated the company and renamed it the Norwalk Upholstering Company.
In 1925, Edward’s son, Ray, worked with his father and eventually became a furniture salesman.

Ray Gerken assumed leadership of the business upon his father's death in 1934.
In 1936 the operation was moved into a rented space in the A.B. Chase Piano Company building on Newton Street in Norwalk, Ohio. A year later the corporation bought the building.

The last chair built before converting to WWII defense production. Ray contributed to the WWII effort by converting to produce war materials. There were government contracts for jungle hammocks, foot locker and grenade boxes. The company returned to upholstery afterwards.

Norwalk Furniture featured in Furniture Design & Manufacturing Magazine in 1962 for the utilization of componentized construction.

In 1965, Norwalk Upholstering Company became Norwalk Furniture Corporation.
In 1969, Ray Gerken stepped aside as president and his sons, Jack and Ned Gerken, became president and vice president respectively.

In 1984, the corporation launched a retail franchise operation that granted franchise agreements to operate under the name Fine Designs Sofa Gallery.
In 1992, the retail franchise operation’s name was changed to Norwalk - The Furniture Idea.

Edward James Gerken, Jr. and James Ethan Gerken, sons of Jack and Ned respectively and fourth generation of Gerkens, were the company presidents during 1997-2008.
In 2002, Norwalk Furniture celebrated a century of accomplishments and fine furniture.

Norwalk Furniture suffered from the economic swoon during 2008 and the company got into difficulty. Twelve local families banded together at the height of the 2008 recession and would not let Norwalk Furniture fail. These families are still the present owners of the company, which is now named Norwalk Custom Order Furniture, dba Norwalk Furniture.
In 2021, Norwalk Furniture gave its employees ownership in the company, through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Funded entirely by the company, the ESOP is available to all full-time employees and has been structured to give the most benefit to those who have been with the company the longest. This includes workers who were with the company before, during and after the temporary shutdown during the 2008 financial crisis.